--> 지식발전소는 문장으로 찾는 검색엔진 엠파스
--> 네이버 - NHN ”검색, 구&에 뒤지지 않는다”
1996-2002 정보검색엔진 의료 개발
국민 건강 종합정보 시스템 개발
Development of a database for national health promotion & education/Author: Ministry of Health and Welfare, Year of Publication: 1999, Control Number: C14M06550 /Ministry of Health and Welfare, Ministry of Health, Science and Aging Research Center
Development of health supplementary factor database among Korean commercial foods/Ministry of Health and Welfare, National Institute of Health Science and Aging, Planning and Detailed Director
Cyber Doctor Go - AI information retrieval system for Medical expert text